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Increasing Talent Density

In the future, we want to make Finland the #1 study destination in the world, and see changes in the educational system in developing countries, starting from how they incubate young talents, entrepreneurs, and leaders. We know it is the young generation that defines the future. We believe the youth deserves only the finest future that we can offer.
We do this by offering different pathways for all the stages of education bridging the gap between our diminishing population and the high demand for top-notch education globally.

Keystone Education Group acquires Asia Exchange and Edunation

26 March 2024

Keystone Education Group acquires Asia Exchange and Edunation

Keystone Education Group ("Keystone") has announced today the acquisition of global education providers, Edunation and Asia Exchange. Fredrik Högemark, CEO of Keystone, said, "This is a landmark moment in the history of Keystone, opening the door for millions of students to study opportunities in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.


PR Newswire | Keystone Academic Solutions

Wicket Gaming - Uppföljning

13 November 2023

Wicket Gaming - Uppföljning

VIDEO. Wicket Gaming AB - CEO Interviews Angry Birds legend Peter Vesterbacka that sees great opportunities in Edtech. "Edtech is the future of learning in Scandinavia and Europe. We are in a world where digitalization is happening at a tremendous pace and where virtual education will be a central part of the development of future generations," says Vesterbacka, who is currently involved in digital learning, including through an advisory role in the Spotlight-listed company Wicket Gaming (under name change to edyoutec).



Lost, but not Forgotten - Education, Innovation and Competitiveness for Europe - Panel at EIF23

18 October 2023

Lost, but not Forgotten - Education, Innovation and Competitiveness for Europe - Panel at EIF23

VIDEO. This panel at The European Ideas Forum with Eva Maydell, Anu Bradford, Peter Veterbacka and moderator Tomi Huhtanen explored the issue.


Martens Centre | YouTube

Amazing Race Suomi punainen tiimi - koulutuksen sanansaattajat Peter ja Anna

13 October 2023

Amazing Race Suomi punainen tiimi - koulutuksen sanansaattajat Peter ja Anna

VIDEO. Building the #FinestFuture in the #FinEstBayArea #together #amazingracesuomi


Peter Vesterbacka | X

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A Game World that Teaches Vocab

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Mika Aaltonen

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