Education news
26 March 2024
Keystone Education Group acquires Asia Exchange and Edunation
Keystone Education Group ("Keystone") has announced today the acquisition of global education providers, Edunation and Asia Exchange. Fredrik Högemark, CEO of Keystone, said, "This is a landmark moment in the history of Keystone, opening the door for millions of students to study opportunities in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
PR Newswire | Keystone Academic Solutions
13 November 2023
Wicket Gaming - Uppföljning
VIDEO. Wicket Gaming AB - CEO Interviews Angry Birds legend Peter Vesterbacka that sees great opportunities in Edtech. "Edtech is the future of learning in Scandinavia and Europe. We are in a world where digitalization is happening at a tremendous pace and where virtual education will be a central part of the development of future generations," says Vesterbacka, who is currently involved in digital learning, including through an advisory role in the Spotlight-listed company Wicket Gaming (under name change to edyoutec).
18 October 2023
Lost, but not Forgotten - Education, Innovation and Competitiveness for Europe - Panel at EIF23
VIDEO. This panel at The European Ideas Forum with Eva Maydell, Anu Bradford, Peter Veterbacka and moderator Tomi Huhtanen explored the issue.
Martens Centre | YouTube
13 October 2023
Amazing Race Suomi punainen tiimi - koulutuksen sanansaattajat Peter ja Anna
VIDEO. Building the #FinestFuture in the #FinEstBayArea #together #amazingracesuomi
Peter Vesterbacka | X
1 October 2023
Rail Experience is an innovative digital training platform enriched with gamification elements, designed to facilitate the training of railway workers from their first to their third year of apprenticeship.
This dynamic tool serves as an interactive handbook, delivering educational content within a captivating virtual 3D environment. The platform's adaptability ensures that it caters to the unique needs of each individual student.
15 September 2023
Rwanda, Finland mull collaboration in education, entrepreneurship
The Minister of State for Education, Claudette Irere, on Thursday, September 14, signed agreements with a university of applied sciences in Finland signaling a commitment to promote and expand international cooperation in educational activities, among other things.
The New Times
31 August 2023
Finnish high school principal "Sankari Simo" drives more than 100km by himself to welcome Vietnamese students to Forssa High School
Tôi thường dậy lúc 6h30 để đọc email hay tin nhắn.Tôi luôn bố trí gặp học sinh quốc tế mỗi tuần nhưng chính những cuộc gặp nhanh ở hành lang với các em lại cởi mở nhất. Nếu không gặp được các em, tôi sẽ gọi điện và trao đổi.
16 August 2023
Ulkomaalaiset opiskelijat ovat lukiolaisille mahdollisuus oppia kansainvälisyyttä
Joroisten lukiossa on aloittanut opiskelunsa 37 opiskelijaa. Heistä 14 on ulkomaalaisia. Kuusi on ukrainalaisia ja venäläisiä, loput kahdeksan ovat tulleet pelialan yrittäjä Peter Vesterbackan Finest Future -yhtiön kautta.
Warkauden Lehti
20 April 2023
Finest Love from Crazy Town
Finest Love from Crazy Town on valmennusohjelma yrityksille, jotka hakevat uutta suuntaa - uuden palvelun, tuotteen tai liiketoiminnan kasvun kautta.
Crazy Town
29 March 2023
Thy Nguyen on ensimmäinen tuontilukiolainen, joka osallistuu tänään kirjoituksiin – pikkulukiot halutaan pelastaa ulkomaalaisten avulla
Pienten lukioiden opiskelijakatoa on yritetty paikata ulkomailta tuotavilla opiskelijoilla. Suurista tavoitteista ollaan selvästi jäljessä.
20 March 2023
World Happiness, Trust and Social Connections in Times of Crisis
By any standard, 2022 was a year of crises, including the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, worldwide inflation, and a range of local and global climate emergencies. We thus have more evidence about how life evaluations, trust and social connections together influence the ability of nations, and of the world as a whole, to adapt in the face of crisis.
World Happiness Report
10 March 2023
Heateo Haridusfond rahastas Edumus Schooli laienemist
Tuntud investorid asusid toetama valikainete kooli Edumus School laienemist õpilasteni üle Eesti ja programmi rahvusvahelistumist.
10 March 2023
Haridusuuendaja Maria Rahamägi: paindliku ja avatud haridussüsteemi toel on noored tuleviku tööturu jaoks paremini valmis
Haridusalgatuse Edumus asutaja ja eestvedaja Maria Rahamägi soovib, et noored oleksid võimelised kiiresti muutuva ühiskonnaga kohanema ja on selle jaoks loonud lahenduse, mis annab noortele koolist kaasa võimalikult rikkaliku teadmistepagasi.
Heateo Sihtasutus
21 August 2021
Study High School in Finland – Myths vs Facts
Is Finnish a complex language to learn? Is it too early to start high school in a foreign country? What are the facts behind these misconceptions? Let’s verify them now!
Finest Future
14 June 2021
Why Finland’s schools outperform most others across the developed world
When children don’t start school until the age of 7, why does their education system continually outperform others across the developed world?
Finest Future
14 December 2020
From a student to a future entrepreneur: Finland has transformed me into a new person
Finland has taught me a lot about life-long learning, so I thought it’s not impossible to run a business and do your PhD at the same time.